Claudia SanSoucie is the very first person in the USA to…

…graduate from the Complete Vocal Institute in Copenhagen! And she’s the ONLY Authorized Complete Vocal Technique teacher in the US! Pretty cool, huh?

Claudia graduating from the Complete Vocal Institue

Claudia at graduation day!

The Complete Vocal Technique (CVT) is a groundbreaking voice training method developed by Cathrine Sadolin. Though not well known yet in the US, it is widely known in Europe and uti­lized by pro­fes­sional singers, singing teach­ers, and actors. The tech­niques can be used in all styles of singing, and are highly use­ful for any­one inter­ested in the voice —from pro­fes­sion­als to beginners.

You can learn more about the technique and how to contact Claudia with any questions at her website Here’s a brief overview, taken from her website:

In Com­plete Vocal Tech­nique the tech­niques are divided into four main subjects:

  • THE THREE OVERALL PRINCIPLES (sup­port, nec­es­sary twang, avoid pro­trud­ing the jaw and tight­en­ing the lips)
    — to ensure healthy sound production.
  • THE FOUR VOCAL MODES (Neu­tral, Curb­ing, Over­drive, Edge)
    — to choose the ‘gear’ you want to sing in.
    — to make the sound lighter or darker.
    — to achieve spe­cific sound effects such as dis­tor­tion, creak, rat­tle, growl, grunt, screams, vocal breaks, air added to the voice, vibrato, tech­niques for ornamentation.

Besides teaching locally here in Baltimore at her home studio, she also has many students who take advantage of her services via Skype. She has students in Austin, TX, Toronto, and New Zealand. She’s a great teacher, and there’s no judging to be found in CVT of style or genre. If you are having some issues, or just want to learn more, contact Claudia!

Total Vocals on Facebook

CVT USA on Facebook