Free Songwriting Course and 14 Day Challenges…any takers?

Back in March Kate and I took advantage of the free Coursera songwriting course with Berkelee teacher Pat Pattison. Free, that’s right. And it was great!

It is being offered again starting July 19, 2013. I highly recommend it.

I have a few of Pat Pattison’s books, and I’ve absorbed some of his teachings, but the course really filled in many details and made it all come alive. The other cool part about this course was that it sparked an online group that is working through Pat Pattison’s “Songwriting without Boundaries” book. I’ve had this book for a while but the course inspired me to commit to revisiting the book.

Songwriting Without Boundaries features four different fourteen-day challenges with timed writing exercises meant to strengthen and challenge your sense bound writing. Each day has an assignment. Some prompts are given, some you have to come up with on your own. I’ve done the first two 14 day challenges and it was … challenging AND FUN.

The first one focuses on staying sense bound through object writing ( using an object or location to jump start flow style writing for a limited time segments - 90 sec, 5 minute, 10 minutes). This I didn’t find too difficult, but working through the challenges I realized that depending on the topic I tend to favor or neglect certain senses. Staying sense bound and including all 7 senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, body motion, body sensations) takes some concentration and refocusing. It is a great way to explore a topic from all “sense bound” angles and sharpens the kind of language that allows everyone else to relate no matter what the topic. Because we are all human and share those senses. It is the kind of language we need in song to make them come alive. In practicing staying sense bound I got bored very quickly with my available vocabulary which forced me to dig deeper to find more descriptive and accurate language. I found that while I was immersed in sense bound writing, my ears and eyes tuned into sense bound language more easily while reading or listening, absorbing more inspiration along the way.

The second 14-day challenge focuses on finding metaphors and coming up with interesting collisions. This was especially fun, but also much more time consuming because it does take some thought to compile related ideas with the help of a Thesaurus and then craft metaphors that are unique and fresh. The results were fun and often surprising. Especially after I managed to silence the part of me that said “uh – that is stupid”. It made me write about things I would have never thought about. Many times I finished an assignment less than satisfied only to read through it online after posting it and thinking “really, did I write that – pretty cool”. So sharing what you write is a great way to step back from your own critic. It builds courage and lets you focus more on the process than the results.

The third challenge is now about incorporating #1 and #2. Writing within metaphors with sense bound language. I can’t say much yet. I’ve only done one of the writing challenges for #3. I found it quite difficult and time consuming. Coincidentally, other life challenges became more demanding and whisked me out of my writing routine. Strangely enough the entire online group experienced a slow down at the exact same time. Hmmm …maybe because it got more difficult and the tasks each day required more time. But still I am still holding on and knowing the group is still there, is incredibly comforting. It anchors me to my goal of becoming a better writer.

The book offers a step by step strategy to build those skills. Having a framework to work with, a structure that guides is incredibly helpful. Whether we find that in an online course, or an online community, or with people meeting up on a regular basis. Whatever it is – it is a good thing. It keeps the inspiration ticking; the motivation humming; and creativity greased. (BTW, I have signed up for Pat Pattison’s course again. )

So, if you sign up for the course – definitely check out the forum and watch out for any online opportunities for the 14-day challenge or start your own group. Just let me know where to sign up ;-)
